Trial Lawyers College is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization funded entirely by its students, alumni and individual supporters. Contributions are tax-deductible. In order to ensure that we are not compromised in our mission to train and educate lawyers and judges who are committed to the jury system and to representing and obtaining justice for individuals, the College accepts no funds from federal or state agencies or corporations. Covid-relief assistance excepted.
LEARN MORE WAYS TO SUPPORT TLCAt the Trial Lawyers College, the methods taught to trial lawyers benefit all those who believe in justice. We treat the TLC Scholarship Fund as a 'Pay It Forward' program, where donors help another student learn from TLC, with the hope that they will pass on the gift to others in the future. It's an honor for donors to support fellow trial lawyers and ensure the magic of TLC continues to impact lives.
CONTRIBUTE TO GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDJoin fellow TLC members to support the General Operating needs of the College! In order to keep our tuition amounts affordable, we continue to need additional financial support from those who are able, for our general operating costs. We've made some exciting changes to our Sustaining Members Donor Group!
All contributions will help TLC pay the expenses necessary to continue to offer monthly programs to train both civil and criminal defense trial lawyers in the TLC methods which have proven to help WIN JUSTICE in courtrooms across this country.
With gratitude, Your TLC Board.
The Trial Lawyers College trains lawyers who serve the needs of the people. To that end, we do not accept students who serve the needs of government or corporate entities.
The Trial Lawyers College Community is open to TLC Students, Faculty and Alumni. Please login or contact the registrar at registrar@triallawyerscollege.org
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The TLC Legal Archive is available to alumni, active student, and faculity.
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